Like Pokemon — and not like Pokemon –, there’s a Digimon for everybody. Because of that, there’s gonna be at least two Digimon toys for every single person because of the variety there is out there on offer.
Everything from vintage collectibles to new toys is covered in this fandom (what’s the geek word for fandom? Is it fandom? Did I just lose my geek card??) meaning there really is something for everyone and it’s about time we repped the digital over the pocket!
1. Garurumon is Only the Beginning of This Treasure Trove

A dog is man's and woman's best friend, and there are so many movies out there that have starred one. Lady and the Tramp (two!), Homeward Bound (two - Shadow was still alive!), Cujo! The last of those isn't as sentimental as the other two, but it goes to show that dogs come in all shapes and sizes and even though Garurumon isn't technically a dog-dog, he's as much of one is that Evie is a fox. (Or is Ninetails a fox? Are foxes dogs?) Bandai's action figures are never off point and this exclusive Japanese import is as cool, if not cooler, than those that came before him. Because don't forget... puppies beat out Batman...
Get this exclusive Garurumon action figure on amazon.com
2. Some Things Are Okay to Gamble On, Those Things Are Digimon Toys

Gambling on toys is something I learned as a kid. In the 90s, it wasn't rare for toys to come out in little packets to waste your pocket money on. That's what these Digimon toys reminded me of the second I saw them. Not only do you not know which one you're going to get, if you get a double, these days if you can't find a friend to give it to, you can resell it on eBay and get another. It's so cool, 8-year-old me and my Pogs are all a little jealous. You also can't go wrong with plushies OR mini collectibles. If you're let down, feel free to write us a strongly-worded e-mail that says, "No." (You won't be let down, promise).
Get one of 9 Digimon plushies on thinkgeek.com
3. Megahouse’s Digimon Statue Series Will Kill You With Cute

Still with me, or was I right? A must for basically all Digimon fans, these statues are die-for collectibles. Sure, we realize the imagery of all the death and murder in this blurb is a little too much but sometimes, you see something you want so much that it actually makes you want to sell your soul to Bowser. Or, alternatively, sacrifice one of the more annoying Pokemon (we're in digi-world now, they're different). Like I said, these babies are the pinnacle of Digimon collectibles and because of that, giving one of them to your best Digi-friend just might make them cry happy tears. (The only tears we geeks are known to shed outside of Life is Strange).
Get this adorable Ishida and Gabumon statue on amazon.com
4. The Fact Digimon and 20th Anniversary Go Together is Scary

I don't remember allowing the last twenty years to go by like that. Neither do I remember it being longer than /five/ since the millennia. I'd say something about time being relative and mention Einstein, but we've got some science gifts articles coming up and I'd hate to use up all my inventor-based anecdotes before it's due time. Somehow, those twenty years went by and somehow, I remain 11. Who knows how that happened, I must be, like, Dorian Gray or something. Digifans, feel free to "what, how, why?" with me and get your hands on this pair of adorable 20th anniversary Digimon toys!
Get the 20th Anniversary Digimon figure set on thinkgeek.com
5. These Digimon Toys Are Like Transformers But… Well… Digimon

We have the market for Transformer toys cornered (and we do love them dearly, despite the movies), but there's something about transforming from one thing to the next when the next is an animal rather than an automobile that better touches my sensibilities. In a similar way to how Power Rangers (and, by extension, Funko's Power Rangers pops) were in the 90s, Digimon were everything I wanted in a pet and more. Now, how do I break this to Pikachu...
Get this evolving Wargreymon action figure on zavvi.com
6. Kinda Wouldn’t Want to Pick a Fight With This Guy

Assuming I did, I'm pretty sure I'd lose and I'm pretty sure that loss wouldn't be in vain. Imperialdramon is like somebody took Hawkman from the Justice League and mated him with Charizard. He's the ultimate Digimon of all ultimate Digimon, and in this Digimon toy, he's in Paladin mode, which essentially means I'm wise to say, "No, that's okay." He does look awesome, though, and would look so good wherever you decided to keep him. He might even ward away needy geeks who want to borrow your X-Box like, well, me.
Get this Imperialdramon action figure on entertainmentearth.com

Only yesterday did a little girl approach my dog by saying, "it's so fluffy!" and only yesterday did I bemoan that fact. Now, here I am less than 24-hours later, and here I am, plotting a way to kidnap Terriormon and give it treats until it's Stockholm Syndrome'd into letting me cuddle it. Luckily for us, the Terriormon plush comes in all shapes, sizes, and even positions, so you can have one in your house without robbing one from the wild. Clearly, someone should've told Willis about it.
Get this adorable Terriermon plush on amazon.com
8. Digimon Toys AND Stickers? Somebody Sure Wanted Me to Spend All My Money

Introducing stickers to any fandom has always been an inherently lucrative move that's only been amplified since the explosion of electronic devices. No longer are stickers exclusively for school textbooks, lockers, or bedroom doors. They can be on anything you like and, if you get bored, they're much easier and cheaper to use than getting yet another phone cover. (Unless they're Deadpool phone cases, Naruto phone cases or Overwatch phone cases, that is). This SDCC exclusive set of Digimon toys (and the stickers!) is kind of too amazing for me to handle.
Get these exclusive SDCC Digimon figures on amazon.com
9. I Freakin’ Love All of These Figures, it’s Hard to Pick Just One

Do you realize how hard it was not to include every single one of Megahouse's Digmon statues? Let me tell you, it was harder than Rainbow Road on the Wii. Against pros. Oh yes, it was incredibly difficult and possible that my eyes popped out of their sockets and/or bled to protect my weak, feeble, Sith form from the Feels. This Koushiro and Tentomon statue was practically crafted to serve as a desk piece beside your laptop or games station. (Which, by the way, have you picked up all your gifts for gamers and gadget-heads yet? Christmas is coming...)
Get this Koushiro and Tentomon statue on amazon.com
10. Does Appmon Come from the Appstore? Ehe

Come on, I know apps weren't a thing in the 90s but we were all thinking it. While this little guy is a Hackmon and there are higher tier hacking Digimon, he's a safe bet to protect you because he can help you to hack into the bank systems when you play Payday 2 but also isn't advanced enough to screw you over and/or call the cops on you, because lord knows there are enough players who do that and then rage for funsies. But anyway, he's adorable. And he has a cape!
Get this Hackmon action figure on amazon.com
11. Remember Nanopets and Tamagotchis? Then You’re in Luck!

If not, I want you to slowly put down your iWhatever and go out to get one. These were aweosme for us when we were kids, especially if we didn't have pets. The news would report them as being ways to deter kids from wanting pets with the fact you had to clean up after them, but there was a difference in digitally cleaning up after them and doing it in real life. Not to mention you can reset them. Before you think about getting your own legit Digimon to have as a battle pet, get one of these; a digi-digimon especially for its 20th birthday.
Get this 15th Anniversary Digimon cyber pet on amazon.com
12. Domez Stop Believing, There’s a Digitoy for Everyone!

This guy is from the collection of Digimon toys that came with the exclusive SDCC set of figures, but you can get every one of them on their own and they do not disappoint. Agumon is probably the most recognizable of all the mon because of its likeness to a T-Rex -and Charmander- and I definitely remember him being on a ton of other Digimon toys and merchandise back in the day. He's really freakin' cute. Nobody puts Agumon in a corner.
Get this Digimon Domez collectible on amazon.com
As different as Pokemon and Digimon are and as divisive as they can be between fans, usually, a fan of one is a fan of both and so if that’s you, we have some killer Pokemon gifts onsite.
Check out these Pokemon action figures, Pokemon pins, Pokemon books, Pokemon puzzles, Pokemon jewelry, and Pokemon shirts.