Pokemon gotta catch ’em all! The Legendary Pokemon were released into the wild this weekend. Have you caught any yet? Drop us a line on twitter and let us know!
There’s a bunch of cool Pokemon books out there. Some are puzzle books, others are guidebooks, and then storybooks for all ages!
Come in and take a peek.
1. Get the Official Pokemon Sun and Moon Strategy Guide
Source: target.com
How is the game? I haven’t played it yet, but I’m hella anxious to. Guidebooks are still the jam, even if we have a bunch of walkthroughs literally at our fingertips these days. You cannot beat a good book! This collector’s vault includes a hardcover Pokemon book, a journal, roller ball pen, and a host of other cool things. A necessity for every Pokemon fan! One of which is me. So, you know, tell Santa it’s on my list for me.
Get the Pokemon Sun & Moon Collector’s Edition on target.com
2. Fold Your Own Pokemon!
Source: target.com
The art of Origami goes back how long? And still, the most I can make is a paper airplane. This Pokemon book will teach you how to fold your own Pokemon from the pieces of card they supply. It’s not a useless task to learn. There are a lot of people like me who are fascinated with people that can create origami and you never know when a skill like that is going to come in handy. For all you know, all Mewtwo is waiting for is a good, origami Pikachu.
Get this Origami Pokemon Book on target.com
3. Where’s Wartortle?
Source: thinkgeek.com
Find him and every other one of the pocket monsters in this Pokemon book that bases itself off of the Where’s Waldo? books. (In England, today you’re learning, he was called Wally). The Where’s Waldo? books got me through many an exhaustive bus trip in school and I imagine that, had Pokemon been around then, I’d have been all over this instead because Waldo kinda got on my nerves after a while. Turns out a nerd in red and white has the skills of a chameleon.
If you love Pokemon, you’ll probably love this Pokemon jewelry too!
Get the Let’s Find Pokemon Book on thinkgeek.com
4. Get the Ultimate Pokemon Encyclopedia
Source: amazon.com
Aka the Pokemon book of all Pokemon books! Literally, every little thing you could ever wish to know about Ash, Team Rocket, the trainers and the Pokemon themselves can be found in these pages. Reading this encyclopedia from cover-to-cover will make you a true Pokemon expert. That’s why books exist! To get us LURNT. Don’t you wanna know more than Ash? Of course, you do! Now, share your knowledge with me, because I’m lazy.
Get the Pokemon Encyclopedia on amazon.com
5. Do You Know How to Draw Pokemon?
Source: amazon.com
If not, learn. Who cares how old (or young) you are? So, this Pokemon book is catered more to kids, but if you have them or your friends or family have them, there’s nothing stopping you drawing alongside them. And that’s only if you don’t want to do it yourself. If you do, there’s literally nothing stopping you and life is for the living, so what are you waiting for? Get drawing! I’ll display your picture on my refrigerator even, geeklets. Let’s never age.
Get the How to Draw Pokemon Book on amazon.com
6. Learn to Cook Pikachu
Source: thinkgeek.com
But, like, in the vegetarian sense. You don’t want to go eating Pokemon at this time of year. Bulbasaur is tough on the teeth and Ekans could literally kill you. What you lose in cooking actual Pokemon, you can make up for by learning other Pokemon-based recipes that aren’t made of them, but just to resemble them. This is better, not only because meat can get boring but because cakes are awesome, and you can share it with your walking buddy!
Get the Pokemon Cookbook on thinkgeek.com
7. Maths is So Much More Fun With Pokemon
Source: amazon.com
Pokemon and coloring! This is a Pokemon puzzle book that’s super fun to play around with. Combining math and coloring, you add up the crossword-like squares to color them in and, eventually, you’ll get a Pokemon. A different Pokemon on every page. I swear, if I had this a long time ago, I would’ve been much less put out every time the Pokestops tell me my bag is full. I upgraded it, guys. Let me live.
Look at more Pokemon puzzles here!
Get this Amazing Pokemon Math Coloring Book on amazon.com
8. Coloring Pokemon Books Come in So Many Different Styles
Source: amazon.com
There really is one for everyone. This coloring book is designed for a more artsy approach. You get to color in tons of cool and awesome pages full of Pokemon. Either color them in the way they’re meant to be colored or go crazy, yellow-submarine-acid trip on it, the only time it’ll stop being fun is when you or your kids have filled it all in. But then, heck, there’s more where that came from. Why not get two copies so you can do it all over again?
Get this Pokemon Creative Coloring Book on amazon.com
9. The Essential Pokemon Handbook Will Come in… Handy
Source: amazon.com
I guess that’s why they’re called handbooks?
Get The Essential Pokemon Handbook on amazon.com
10. Catch Those Legendary Pokemon With This
Source: amazon.com
As I mentioned before, and though I’ve yet to test it out in the ‘real world’, Niantic revealed that there are Legendary Pokemon out there in the wild now. Between us, there’s also talk of Mewtwo raids in the not-too-distant future. Looks like I picked a pretty awesome time to get back into that game, and not just because it supplements dog walking with fun. I’m so excited to see what Pokemon are out there and this Pokemon book will help me prepare.
Get this Official Guide to Legendary Pokemon on amazon.com
11. The Pokemon Book of Joy Will Calm You
Source: thinkgeek.com
As busy Pokemon trainers, there are days when we forget to think ahead. It’s easy to avoid thinking when you have so much to do and so many Pokemon to try and catch to advance up the ranks. But, we should always make time for joy in our lives. This Pokemon book mixes joy and our favorite little creatures to supply a chill that’s worthy of trainers who came before. Combining quotes and advice from expert trainers, it’s time to give a moment to the little things.
Get The Official Book of Joy on thinkgeek.com
12. Get a Classic Collection of Pokemon Stories
Source: amazon.com
Chapter books are amazing when you’re lost for what to do and don’t want to truly commit to a larger, thicker novel. These stories will fill you with the same kind of excitement hunting Pokemon does. You’ll learn all about how Ash met Pikachu and how the gang got together, not to mention all the extra stuff we didn’t get to see on the TV show or on the games. If you’re looking for cool stories to read and share, these Pokemon books are ideal for that!
Get Pokemon Classic Chapter Book Collection on amazon.com
13. And if You Can’t Get Enough, There Are More Adventures
Source: target.com
Pokemon and “enough” don’t really go together, you’re right. They’re an ill-fit. They’re a bad match. You can’t do both at the same time because Pokemon is almost impossible to give up on. When there are no Pokemon spawning around you at night, don’t worry about it or go wandering in the middle of the night to catch a gym, just read these adventure Pokemon books and the chapter books and you’ll get your fill until you can raid the gyms in the morning!