The best part about Star Wars for me — besides the lightsabers, Princess Leia (check out some awesome Princess Leia gifts), the battle on Hoth, the, oh I don’t know, everything — is the link between Buddhist teachings and The Force.
Yoda, the last great Jedi master (until December?!!), taught our generation to trust our instincts, not to underestimate the power of the dark side, and that lifting X-Wing fighters from the swamps of Dagobah using just our minds is, like, super easy.
What do you mean we can’t do that? Still, Yoda Shirts are on the very top of the best Star Wars gifts we collected online.
Do or do not honor Master Yoda with these inspirational Yoda shirts that can turn anger to awesomeness rather than hate.
1. A Beatles Shirt Proves The Walrus Was Yoda All Along
Source: ebay.com
Ringo was my favorite Beatle and the only circumstances to which I’ll allow his omission from Beatles merchandise is to replace him with Yoda. I can has?
Get the Yoda and The Beatles Shirt on ebay.com
2. Yoda The Riveter DO IT, WE CAN! T-Shirt
Source: teepublic.com
Don’t you wish you’d had it to go with your A Woman’s Place is in the Resistance Sign during the Women’s March? Now you do!
Get the Do It, We Can Yoda Shirt on teepublic.com
3. “Groot, I Am!” Said Groot, Rocking This Shirt, Probably In XXXL
Source: teepublic.com
We here at DiscoverGeek love nothing more than a mash-up of our faves and in anticipation of the next Guardians installment, we’re hardcore back to loving Groot. Sticking him beside Yoda is so geeky-meta we are LIVING.
Get the Guardians of the Galaxy Yoda Shirt on teepublic.com
4. A Shirt That Reveals Batman’s True Identity!
Source: teepublic.com
…Yoda! The proof is in the apparel and now have it, we do. But wait, does this mean Luke is actually Robin?
Get the Yoda Batman Shirt on teepublic.com
5. Master’s Ale: When You’ve Reached Your Limit
Source: etsy.com
Talk about prohibiting ones’ midi-chlorians, beer is a steadfast way to do it. With Anakin’s latest stunt, can we really blame Yoda for the boozin’?
Get the Yoda’s Ale Shirt on etsy.com
6. Up The Shut F**k, You Must! Funny Yoda Shirt
Source: etsy.com
Speaking of Yoda being tired of people’s shit, this top goes one step further in actively shutting down anyone you find annoying! Win, everyone does!
Get the Honest Yoda Shirt on etsy.com
7. Shredi Master Yoda T-Shirt
Source: teepublic.com
Hot off the press from his latest tour of Endor comes this concert tee shirt guaranteed to get people talking. Reckon Yoda could take Jimmy Page in a riff-off?
Get the Rockin Yoda Shirt on teepublic.com
8. We’re All Too Old For This Sith, But Not For This Shirt
Source: amazon.com
You’re at the cinema watching the latest Star Wars film. A kid behind you is asking their dad why this and why that. What are you? TOO OLD FOR THIS SITH.
Get the Too Old For This Sith Shirt on amazon.com
9. Real, The Struggle Is, To Find A T-Shirt Design More Suiting Than This
Source: amazon.com
It’s hard to find Star Wars stuff you don’t want. Instead of giving up, might I suggest you wear this while you look for your next Chewbacca coffee mug?
Get the Real The Struggle is Shirt on amazon.com
10. Yoda Is Like A Fine Wine And Be, You Can Too
Source: teepublic.com
Make a statement to colleagues with this t-shirt that can say: “I’ve got lipstick on my teeth but your mom is lipstick”, or, “Let’s see how good you look at 900”, or even just, “B*tch please”.
Get the Yoda Lecture Shirt on teepublic.com
11. With This Shirt, You’ll Never Again Underestimate The Power Of The Dark Roast
Source: ebay.com
Even Jedi Masters need their morning caffeine fix, just like we do. How else are they gonna keep themselves from shooting first?
Get the Coffee Yoda Shirt on ebay.com
12. You Only Live Once But This Tee Will Have You Doing So In Style
Source: amazon.com
YOLO? More like OOYL, and I think we’d all rather listen to a Jedi than a kid in a snapback. Am I right? (Unless we are that kid in the snapback.)
Get the Only Once You Live Shirt on amazon.com
13. Who’s The Man? Yoda Man In This Vintage-Look T-Shirt!
Source: amazon.com
Show your best friend how much they mean to you by gifting them this yoda shirt. It’ll come in handy when the Feels are too real to support them with a hug!
14. Yoda-Mon’s Gonna Catch ‘Em All
Source: teepublic.com
Yoda owns every gym in the city, it’s like he can use The Force to ensnare a Charizard or something. BE A YODA, NOT A MYSTIC.
Get the Yoda Pokemon Shirt on teepublic.com
15. Jedi MC²ter Einstein: Answer Your Questions, He Will
Source: teepublic.com
This one is for all you science geeks out there! It’s funny. I’ve seen Einstein before, but there’s something a little green about him on this shirt…
16. Terminator Inspired Yoda Shirt: “Back, I’ll Be”
Source: bustedtees.com
In 2029, Skynet has taken over the world with its AI. Be ready to help the resistance, Obi-John Connorbi; you’re our only hope.
Get the Yoda Terminator Shirt on bustedtees.com
BONUS: Deck Yourself Out In This DJ Yoda T-Shirt
Source: teepublic.com
Bring your friends all the latest hits from the Ministry Of Tatooine while sporting this killer design. Spoiler: the J stands for Jedi.
Want more cool Star Wars stuff? Check out these Star Wars Bobble-Heads you probably didn’t know existed.