‘Tis the season to be jolly and joyous as the great philosopher Kermit the Frog once said in the Muppets Christmas Carol (aka one of the best holiday movies of all time) but also, ’tis just another season that us geeks get to be geeky.
Dress your Christmas tree up fabulously with these Star Wars Christmas ornaments that will look amazing, whether you’ve got a Star Wars tree topper or not.
There are so many cool ones – you’ll see!
1. May the Twenty-Fourth Be With You… Until Next Year

Darth Vader has a problem in that he really loves Christmas, but the whole season is painted to be a time for family and joy, neither of which the dude actually has anymore. He doesn't see the point of putting a tree up, and he certainly hasn't bought Tarkin anything this year. But... the colors and the presents and he's even bought a Santa hat for the occasion that fits over his helmet. How rare is it to get a hat that fits?? If only there were some members of his family out there somewhere... roaming the galaxy with space pirates and chilling with overgrown teddy bears... hmmm.
Get this badass Darth Vader Christmas ornament on amazon.com
2. Glass Ornaments Are So Overrated When You Can Have Ones That DON’T Hurt You

This isn't a scare tactic, okay. As a kid, I stepped on a glass ornament and I couldn't walk for two weeks. My foot went /green/, geekies and geeklemen. Generally, it's good to have a mixture of Star Wars Christmas ornaments for your tree though, if every single ornament on it was one of two colors, it'd be so... what's the word? Oh, GROWN UP.
Get these adorable fuzzy Star Wars Christmas ornaments on amazon.com
3. Let This Wookiee Win and You’ll Get So Many Presents

It's gotten pretty popular in the last few words, but the Danes have a word for this. That word is Hygge/lig and I've loved it ever since I heard it. It genuinely sums up what the Christmas season is to me, with the addition of a Star Wars Christmas ornament or, like, seven. Chewbacca looks pretty happy with himself here and you can't really blame him when you consider the fact that this is one guy that's not going to have to judge how much he enjoys the season due to how cold it is. No wonder he looks so freakin' relaxed all the time.
Get this awesome handmade Chewbacca Christmas ornament on amazon.com
4. Santa is a Sith Lord (…Duh!)

O' come all ye faithful Jedis and ye mind tricks, Darth Vader is all set for the season once more, this time, in the hopes it'll force his bratty teenage Jedis out of their rooms long enough, for a good family meal followed by a game of Charades and then one of Choking People. If they can't give their dad five minutes to allow himself to chill in his favorite Rick and Morty Christmas sweater, can we really blame him for turning to the dark side? It was just preemptive self-protection.
Get the Christmas Darth Vader ornament on amazon.com
5. Rey is Master of the Jedi Mind Trick and Being the Best Gifter Ever

So I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I won't have been the only one doing so either of those times, but I'm not feeling the "Reylo" take on the new teaser trailer(s). It's more than likely setting them up to be relatives of some kind but whatever happens, even if Kylo gets his redemption arc, I'd prefer it if he doesn't take the spotlight away from our first legit female Star Wars main character. Is that too much to ask? Anyway, this is one of the Star Wars Christmas ornaments that I ordered the second I found it, so if you trust in me a la the Jungle Book, you should get it too.
Get the Rey Christmas ornament on amazon.com
6. We Dare You to Pick a Favorite…

If it's not the hardest choice anyone's had to make since me picking the Dark Side at the Star Wars Identities Exhibit then I genuinely don't know what is. (Maybe... actually having to choose between the light and the dark side? Nah). All of these Star Wars Christmas ornaments are super cute and luckily, you can, in fact, get all four of them as a set here. Saving you money and having to make a decision, which is always a massive bonus. You could even keep these guys out all year 'round. Just... store them in a Batman cookie jar if you're shy.
Get these adorable Star Wars Christmas ornaments on amazon.com
7. This BB-8 Ornament Could Be the Cutest Thing On Your Christmas Tree

You know, if the last four weren't. BB-8 was literally everywhere two years ago, and it's gearing up quickly in the run-up to The Last Jedi's release, too. Star Wars never fails at creating adorable droids who, while they can't speak, can communicate better than most humans. Before BB-8, I didn't think there was a way that a droid could be as inhumanly cute as R2-D2 and Wall-E, but if I'm gonna be surprised, I want it to be that kind of surprise. Legit, I could just eat him with a spoon. (I won't).
Get the Hallmark BB-8 ornament on thinkgeek.com
8. Help Us, Santa, You’re Our Only Hope to Avoid the New Grinch Movie

Hollywood has had a lot of "Why??"s in the last two decades, but this whole new Grinch thing takes the cake. Jim Carrey as the Grinch is how it should always be. That and a little Grinch smile from Tim Curry in Home Alone, and you've got yourself the perfect "I really don't need anymore Grinching in my life, thanks." The last movie isn't even twenty years old and as fine as Sherlock is... [unintelligible groans] Cumberbatch? Really? ANY-HOO, you really can't get better than this Star Wars Christmas ornament for your tree. If Leia wasn't special enough already, this season is sure gonna make us miss her even more.
Get the Leia and R2-D2 Christmas ornament on amazon.com
9. No Need to Pick One Star Wars Ornament When You Can Have NINE

No explanation needed. Every year, my aunt and uncle would take me to a store that sold Christmas ornaments, and every year, I would get that one special one like Princess Leia and R2 one up there or the Santa Darth Vader. To have too many of those singular ones would be too much. You need some cool, on-theme Star Wars Christmas ornaments to break up the color while still looking, as Chloe Price would say, hella good. Look no further than these, my little Padawans. They've even got a Phasma one.
Get this set of 9 Star Wars ornaments on amazon.com
For more awesome, geeky Christmas gifts, have a peek at some Pokemon Christmas sweaters or Game of Thrones Christmas sweaters. You’ll be the best-dressed geek in the office.