Everybody wants a Star Wars tree topper! The sad fact of this joyous topic is, there aren’t many out there. They’re also a thing that Christmas Star Wars ornaments just can’t replace (also rad!)
DON’T GET DISCOURAGED THOUGH. The ones that are around, are so cool, it’s basically Hoth up in here. All I want for next Christmas is another Star Wars tree topper or three.
Please, Santa. I’ve been good.
1. Light Up Your Christmas Tree, This Yoda Tree Topper Will

Three of the five Star Wars tree toppers in this article are Yoda. Now, if he's been cheekily using his Jedi mind tricks to convince holiday cheermeisters to make them in his likeness, I can't really blame him. Wouldn't you do that stuff if you had The Force on your side? You wouldn't even have to get up to get a drink out of the refrigerator in the middle of a game of Overwatch when you're losing so much that your throat hurts from screaming. IMAGINE a world where you could do anything you wanted, then tell me Yoda wanting a Star Wars tree topper or twelve of himself is wrong. (But if you love Overwatch, you should have a look at these Overwatch shirts!)
Get the light up Yoda tree topper on thinkgeek.com
2. That’s No Moon! It’s a Star Wars Tree Topper That Lights Up

This baby goes up and down in price because of its collectible value. They tend to sell out super quickly every year, as soon as they're in the stock of respective providers. Hallmark has made a mark on so many things, not only greetings cards or really bad, borderline terrible Lifetime-style movies. They must have asked themselves, "What would be a good Star Wars tree topper to make that would have people desperate for it?" Well, my geeklets, the answer lies here in the Death Star, right next to Jyn's dad's corpse.
Get this rare Hallmark Star Wars collectible on amazon.com
3. Yoda Defs Has Stocks in the Star Wars Tree Topper Biz

He's such a star, that Master Yoda. It's only fitting that he appears in one Star Wars tree topper that ditches the angel-esque form of the first one and gives us a star... war. Its beautiful colors would look amazing with Christmas ornaments that are blue-green or faded red in tone. Silver, too. Come to think of it, there aren't many colors that wouldn't look good alongside this bad boy. And look! It lights up too!
Get this Yoda star for your Christmas tree on amazon.com
4. Luke *HEAVY BREATHING* I Am Your Father Christmas

I genuinely think the only thing I would ditch the angel I've had since I was a kid for would be a Star Wars tree topper. I'm that level of geek. I'm the level of geek that trumps nostalgia and given the level of importance the 80s have on our likes and our interests, that's a MASSIVE claim. (I will, of course, keep her close by too). You can't have Star Wars Christmas stuff without something Darth Vader-y. Sorry, Yoda. You need to give someone else a chance for once.
Get the lighted Darth Vader tree topper on thinkgeek.com
5. He’d Fit Down the Chimney So Much Easier Than Santa, Let’s Be Real

Even as an adult, I'm not sure how Santa gets down those chimneys. Does he shrink? I mean, I'm not the only one who's noticed the dude needs to cut down on the brandy and Christmas like crazy before Yoda takes his job too. I wouldn't mind visiting Yoda's grotto, though. It's isolated and there are no annoying elves around, stressing about not having made toys on time, which sounds like my kind of grotto!
Get the Santa Claus Yoda treetop figure on amazon.com
For more geeky Christmas stuff, check out these nerdy Christmas sweaters! Or, if you love Star Wars, you’ll love these Star Wars action figures.