The 1990’s were a good time to be alive. I spent my days at the video store, gazing up at all the monster movies I wasn’t old enough to rent yet.
In the late 80’s, Hollywood brought back monsters in a unique way. Now, they do rehashes of William Castle ones. Of all the 80’s franchises, it’s the Predator one that’s held its spot at the top.
With a new Predator flick in the pipeline, we figured we’d let everyone know there’s a LOT of badass Predator action figures out there.
Here are some of our faves!
1. The Predator Variant Play Arts Kai Figure Could Crush You
Source: thinkgeek.com
It won’t, being that it’s just under a foot tall, but if you think about how tall Arnie is and you think of how much bigger the Predator is compared to him, well… I’d go write your will and testament. I won’t try to pretend like the Play Arts Kai figures aren’t my favorites (some of their others can be seen in our Wonder Woman action figures and Deadpool action figures articles), so I’m just gonna go ahead and say that their Predator one right here only makes my adoration stronger.
Get Play Arts Kai’s Variant Predator Action Figure on thinkgeek.com
2. There’s Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem’s Wolf by Bandai!
Source: amazon.com
Wolf is the Predator that I’m pretty sure is the most closely related to the Demogorgon in Stranger Things. That said, if I’m going to go even deeper into the Geeklet family tree, I will say there’s possibly a link to the worm in Silent Hill 3 and the sandworm in Beetlejuice. If that’s just me reaching for an explanation for their similarities, remember that people thought Darwin was kinda crazy too. This Predator action figure of him comes with the weapons of his fallen opponents. As you can imagine, that’s a lot of loot.
Get the Monster Arts Predator Wolf Action Figure on amazon.com
3. And NECA Brought Us the Much Anticipated Red Shirt Dutch!
Source: amazon.com
There are as many Dutch action figures as they are Predator action figures. In place of the different types of Predators from all of the different movies and games, you can get Dutch (aka the Governator) in his different outfits from the film. This figure is from the 30th Anniversary (we’re old) collection and bears a striking resemblance to the aforementioned action hero. He has his cigar, his dossiers, and he’s ready to kick some major butt.
Get the SDCC Exclusive Jungle Briefing Dutch Action Figure on amazon.com
4. And Funko Made Sure We Had an Exclusive Translucent Predator
Source: amazon.com
Because, you know, sure, Funko always have the best vinyl figures in town, but they’re even better when they’re rare. The translucency of this guy makes him look cuter than he should be, which I don’t think he’d be pleased about hearing, so we’d better keep that to ourselves. (Legit, though, LOOK HOW CUTE).
Where were we?
Get the Transluscent Funko Predator Pop Vinyl on amazon.com
5. This Predator Action Figures Pack Gives You 2-for-1
Source: amazon.com
Modeled after the final battle in Predator 2, you get to decide how you want it to end. Like the film? Completely opposite to the film? How about you make blood-covered Dutch and the regurgitating Predator make out for Instagram? No? Regardless of your plans for these two, NECA makes the best Predator action figures in the business, so at two for the price of one, it’s a total steal.
(I pick Predator to win. #sorryboutit)
Get the Dutch vs Predator 2 Pack of Action Figures on amazon.com
6. And This Pack Gives You the Ancient
Source: amazon.com
Rumor has it, the Ancient one was in charge of the space craft that brought Scar and Chopper down to earth. It makes sense when you look at him. He’s definitely been around for a long time, and he certainly looks like the kind of dude you don’t want to mess with. Another bonus to the NECA Predator action figures (he’s one of them too) is that you can use the hands on all of the species specific figures they’ve got. Not bad for the price!
Get this Ancient Warrior Predator Action Figure on amazon.com
7. This ReAction Poseable Predator Figure is a Little Different
Source: target.com
Funko is expanding their different lines like crazy. The ReAction range reminds me of the old school WWF toys I used to get back in the days before the wildlife federation had beef with the wrestling one. I don’t think the Xenomorphs were prepared for them or their enemies to be turned into posable toys, but honestly, I don’t even think they mind.
Get the ReAction Fully Poseable Predator Action Figure target.com
8. The 30th Anniversary Predator Range is Badass in General
Source: entertainmentearth.com
If you can’t tell from the selected photo, the Jungle Demon has been hooked up with LED lights so that his eyes light up, just like in the movie! He’s also massive. We’re talking nearly two feet of pure, glowing horror. All of the Predator figures in the 30th Anniversary collection have something special to give, but this guy? He has all that and more.
Get this Jungle Demon 30th Anniversary Predator Figure on entertainmentearth.com
9. But the River Ghost Predator Could Maybe Take Him
Source: amazon.com
River Ghosts are sentient beings who, like the humans, want nothing more than to exist how they are. The thing with sentient beings is that once they snap, they border on being some of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. So yeah, he could take the Jungle Demon if pushed. Particularly given his species’ history as… well… bait.
Get NECA’s Ghost Predator Action Figure on amazon.com
10. The Jungle Encounter Dutch is Back in Action
Source: amazon.com
NECA’s 30th Anniversary Predator action figures collection includes figures that went out of commission and have been brought back, highly improved, and looking amazing for anybody that missed out the first time. The Dutch figures all look like Arnie, which could be funny if you put any one of them beside the Terminator. Like a cult of Arnold Schwarzeneggers who haven’t worked on a movie as Danny DeVito’s twin yet.
Quick question: if Jim Jones used budget Kool Aid, what would Arnie use?
Get the 30th Anniversary Dutch Predator Action Figure on amazon.com
11. This Other Exclusive Predator Pop Vinyl is One You Might Wanna Get Your Hands On
Source: amazon.com
The splashes of green blood and goo make this Predator ready to take anything on. He might not look too different to the basic one in pictures, but there’s a reason San Diego Comic Con held on to him for an exclusive accompaniment to the translucent one I mentioned before. I also know that it’s really weird for a Predator to be cute, but look at his itty bitty fangs!!
Get the Exclusive Bloody Predator Pop Vinyl on amazon.com
12. The Stalker Predator Glows in the Dark!
Source: entertainmentearth.com
He and the other figures from the series 16 collection are based on the Kenner action figures from the early 90’s. What do we say, Geeklets? We LOVE nostalgia. NECA took everything that was great about the original Predator action figures and updated them so they look better than they ever did! If you’re game for waking up to a glowing Predator in the middle of the night, a) what’s wrong with you? b) WHO CARES, YOU CAN!
Get this Stalker Predator Action Figure on entertainmentearth.com