10 Death Note Shirts to Ward off Shinigami

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The American adaptation of Death Note hit Netflix this summer. Regardless of how you feel about it, the idea of Death Note is one that’s so good, it makes sense that people would want to adapt it.

To ride the wave regardless, we’ve sourced 10 of our favorite Death Note shirts from around the web. Enjoy!

1. We Will Ryuk You

Le Shinigami Noir TeeSource: teepublic.com
Le Shinigami Noir, Monsieur le Ryuk; le bouffon and any other terms of anti-endearment you might want to use, has always been a trouble maker. It’s because of him that Light got his hands on a Death Note. Why? Well, why not! It’s fun! This Death Note t-shirt captures Ryuk in the spirit of 1920’s Paris, taking the place of Le Chat Noir, the poster you see lining the tourist spots everywhere. Ryuk will also be lining the bulk of this article. I just love him so much.

Get Le Shinigami Noir Tee on teepublic.com

2. Duh Nuh Nuh Nuh, Shinigami!

Batman Shinigami ShirtSource: teepublic.com
The Shinigami are, in a sense, grim reapers. Instead of taking the form of the cowled figure we’re used to seeing in Western folklore, myths and legends, they each look different to one another. As much as I’d prefer to see the Bat signal in the sky than this mash up of fandoms — mostly because I’d like to, you know, live — I can’t help but love this mix. If I’m risking my name being put in a Death Note, I’m doing it for these awesome Death Note shirts.

Get the Batman Shinigami Shirt on teepublic.com

3. Light is on a Highway to L

Death Note ShirtSource: amazon.com

L is the detective that (kinda rightfully?) suspects Light as being the serial killer that he’s chasing down, known as Kira. What he doesn’t know at first is that Kira is an amalgamation of Death Note users that can’t be fully stopped, not unless he can figure out a way to make human beings stop wanting the chance to be a God. So yeah, Death Note users can never be fully stopped. In this Death Note shirt, Light wields his power over L and the apple wields its power over them both.

Obviously. An apple a day, geeklets, am I right?

Get this Ripple Junction Death Note Tee on amazon.com

4. You Know Nothing, Light Yagami

Game of Notes TeeSource: teepublic.com

All right, I get it, that’s not entirely true given he can control the fate of anybody he wants to merely by scribbling in his measly notebook. At least he’s using it for good… sort of. Light is the true owner of the Iron Throne. Mostly ’cause he looks so good in it on this Death Note shirt.

Get the Game of Notes Tee on teepublic.com

Westeros fans, we’ve got Game of Thrones pops and Game of Thrones necklaces just for you!

5. This Death Note Shirt Will Cause a Splash

Silhouette Death Note T-ShirtSource: amazon.com

Designed in a way to look as if it’s ink on the page of the actual Death Note, I wonder if this means if you wrote Death Note in the Death Note, the Death Note would end. (Say Death Note one more time, self, I dare you). Seriously though, I’m curious now. Can only humans be slaughtered at the tip of a pen, or does it mean anything sentient? Are the Death Notes sentient? I’m gonna have to call the Shinigami King and get an exclusive quote on this.

Anyone got an apple?

Get this Silhouette Death Note T-Shirt on amazon.com

6. Oh My God, You Literally Killed Kenny

South Park Death Note T-ShirtSource: teepublic.com
South Park has forever been one of my favorite “grown up cartoons”. It’s terrifying to think that it’s been on for twenty years, particularly as I clearly remember saving up pocket money for a foam Kenny key chain. Consistently down on his luck, killed in several ways, and then back for the next episode, it all comes to light (ha) when you realize that, all this time, Mrs. Garrison has had a Death Note at hand. I knew she was up to something.

Get this South Park Death Note T-Shirt on teepublic.com

7. It’s an Anime Thing, I Don’t Understand

An Anime Thing T-ShirtSource: amazon.com

I mean, I do, but there’s a lot of anime and manga readers that would tell me I don’t. You can’t hold that against them. I do similar as far as Star Wars and Twin Peaks go. Aka I know All The Things, and I will correct All The Things. Proclaim your superior knowledge of anime and Death Note with a t-shirt that backs you up. They can’t argue with you. Not if you’ve got the Death Note.

Get An Anime Thing T-Shirt on amazon.com

Check out these Naruto phone cases for more anime goodness!

8. The Literal Death Note Shirt

Literal Death Note ShirtSource: teepublic.com

This actually took me a moment to get, which is something I’m ashamed of. Ashamed and delighted that the artist came up with it. If I’m not alone in my sloth-like slowness, take a moment to let your eyes focus on the design at the center of this Death Note shirt. Then, say the words Death Note. Then look again. The grim reaper is taking the Quaver for a little dance.

Annnnd there we go!

Get the Literal Death Note Shirt on teepublic.com

Speaking of dancing, these Groot shirts are a piece of rhythmic joy.

9. Death World is a Brand New Theme Park

Death World Tank TopSource: teepublic.com

It doesn’t sound too exciting, not the way Jurassic Park did, but I feel like both of them serve up an equal chance for you to come out of it dead. Or you know, not come out of it. This really depends on whether you’d rather be chased down or hunted by a dinosaur, or have your name written in a book that’ll snatch your life so an adorable, apple-loving Shinigami can live longer. It’s a hard choice, one I’d rather pick neither from, but I guess I’ll go with the second and I’ll wear this Death Note shirt while I do.

Get this Death World Tank Top on teepublic.com

Take a peek at these cool Jurassic Park toys, if you can’t decide.

10. The God of Death is Nocturnal

Full Moon Death Note ShirtSource: teepublic.com
GREAT NEWS FOR ME. I wake up at 8 am. Yay. I get to live. I hope. Maybe. Did I just seal my fate? All humans want to be Gods and all Shinigami want to continue to live. Like ebony and ivory, these could both exist in perfect harmony if it there wasn’t a risk of L discovering what was going on and shutting it all down. (Let’s just pretend he can so he gets some actual sleep).

Get this Full Moon Death Note Shirt on teepublic.com