Winter is here. The white walkers are descending and Jon Snow is about to give his allegiance to Stormborn’s dragon queen. As far as the TV show goes, anyway. Seasonally, we’re at the height of summer which means that still, technically, Winter is Coming.
Game of Thrones is sweeping the globe, as it is wont to do until its demise. So, we thought, “What better to go alongside our Game of Thrones pop vinyls than some classy Game of Thrones necklaces?”
1. Pledge Allegiance to Winterfell with this Dire Wolf Pendant
Source: amazon.com
This Game of Thrones necklace looks exactly like it could have come from one of the Starks (or their extended son). Black is Jon Snow’s color, after all, and the pendant’s circular presentation would look basically amazing on top of his armor. (Can we call the fur thing he’s got going on armor? Would Chanel co-sign that?) Game of Thrones started with House Stark, and no matter where your heart lies, there has to be something inside of you that wants to avenge Sean Bean’s 80th character death by giving your passion, heart, and soul to the King of the North.
Get this Winterfell Direwolf Stark Game of Thrones Necklace on amazon.com
2. Use this Golden Sword Necklace to Stab Your Foes
Source: amazon.com
It won’t do a whole lot, given how blunt it is, but there’s also nothing more annoying than prodding at somebody when they’re trying to do a thing. Prodding obnoxiously is something that this sword pendant is good for. It’s a bonus that it looks amazing no matter what you’re wearing. You have to wonder if the prodding would be enough to send the Lannisters running with their tails between their legs or not. Granted, Cersei might execute you if you even try but even if that happens, find solace in the fact that Joffrey was never your kid.
Get the Game of Thrones Sword Necklace on amazon.com
3. Are You a Lannister? Show it off With This Gold Lion Pendant
Source: amazon.com
What’s weird is that, if you look at these Harry Potter bracelets and then back to these Game of Thrones necklaces, you’ll notice that Harry’s house, Gryffindor, has a lion as its animal. You also have Aslan from the Narnia stories/movies, who’s pretty much an allegory for Jesus. BOTH GOOD. Lannisters? Well, maybe they think they’re doing good and they’re just… you know… not. Regardless of how much you’ve got in your pocket (or if you have a heart or not), gold is totally your color.
Get this Golden House Lannister Game of Thrones Necklace on amazon.com
4. Or are You in the House of Targaryen?
Source: amazon.com
This burgundy pendant has the three dragons from House Targaryen’s sigil on it. Where the Lannisters have stolen the lion from people that are between lawful neutral and chaotic good, what’s left of the once great Targaryens, have dragons on their side. Like the Stark Direwolf necklace before it, this will look as incredible going out for drinks with friends as it would on the battlefield. Come to think of it, those two situations are more similar than at first thought…
Get House Targaryen Three Headed Dragon Pendant on amazon.com
5. Take This Iron Coin Necklace with You, You Might Need to
Source: amazon.com
When Jaqen H’ghar gave Arya Stark the Iron Coin, he said that if she ever wanted to get in contact with him, all she has to do is show the coin to a Braavosi then say “Valar Morghulis”, and they’ll grant her wish. Now, I’m not saying if you showed the coin on this Game of Thrones necklace to a Braavosi, they’d give you the burger you’re so desperately craving or the thirty bucks you need for Splatoon 2. What I am saying is that this is just a really cool necklace with great, philosophical meaning behind it.
Get the Valar Morghulis Pendant on amazon.com
6. Winter is Coming, Even When it’s Here
Source: amazon.com
House Stark isn’t going to give up. That’s not what they do. Ned and Catelyn’s children are some of the bravest, most loyal, excellent people in the whole of Westeros. It could be all of the lessons Ned taught them that he’d learned from being 006 in Goldeneye, the guy who wasn’t Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings movies, or Sharpe in, well, Sharpe. Or it could just be who they are, for the most part, as people. Don’t discount a Stark, now when they have wolves on their side.
Get the House Stark Winter is Coming Pendant on amazon.com
7. Go Meta with a Straight Forward Game of Thrones Necklace!
Source: amazon.com
This charm necklace can double as a bracelet and is ideal for the Game of Thrones fan in your life. Which one, you ask? That’s up to you. There’s more Game of Thrones fans in the world today than there are lemmings, but maybe that’s because we spent a large part of our Atari, pre-PC days trying and failing to stop them from jumping off of cliffs. (Man, though, what a game). Each charm represents a different part of the series and the book — customized especially — is actually a locket that opens up.
Get this Game of Thrones Charm Necklace on amazon.com
8. Break Out the Chain You Lost the Charm for, the Raven is Calling
Source: amazon.com
This one is just the pendant, so you need to either have a chain already or buy one especially. They’re not too steep though, and this three-eyed raven pendant is something I was obsessed with when I saw it. (And still am). It’s worth it! The raven appears to Bran Stark in prophetic dreams that help him to navigate the post-seeing Lannister incest world. You might recognize the design from some of the mid-series Game of Thrones artwork and posters.
Get the Game of Thrones Screaming Crow Medallion on amazon.com
9. Black Dragon Eggs are Rare, but You Can Have One Anyway!
Source: amazon.com
The black dragon egg is one of the three eggs that were given to Daenerys as a wedding present. When she first gets them, they’re more like stone than they are eggs. Like sculptures made with precious stones. But heavy. Like there’s something inside. The black dragon egg is arguably the most beautiful to me, but you can also get the other two colors as Game of Thrones necklaces too though, never fear! Just follow the link!
Get this Black Dragon Egg Game of Thrones Necklace on amazon.com
10. Make a Statement, Drink Some Mead, You’re a Baratheon Now!
Source: amazon.com
The Baratheon clan are known to indulge in life’s simple treasures. There’s no such thing as too much to them, and why would there be? They were, for a time, the most powerful of the seven kingdoms. It’s only right, then, that this stag’s head necklace that represents their House, stands out from the rest. Being a statement necklace, the chain is pretty short, but the great thing about chains on necklaces is that you can replace them. This one does look best when worn like a collar but will go with pretty much anything you’ve got in your closet. Even Minecraft clothing! If you wanted to.
Get House of Baratheon Stag Statement Necklace on amazon.com
11. The Orb and Wings on this Dragon Necklace Actually Glow!
Source: amazon.com
Be weird if it didn’t, since dragons are magical and all, and therefore this Game of Thrones necklace must be too. Inspired by House Targaryen, you might want to pace yourself for the magical powers you’ll end up wielding when you put this on for a party at night and all the drunk people around you start talking. You’re your own glow stick! Better than that, you’re your own glow stick with a dragon necklace that not only glows but looks amazing in daylight too. I’m jealous.
Get Glowing Orb Targaryen Dragon Necklace on amazon.com
12. This Necklace is a Replica of Cersei Lannister’s Necklace
Source: entertainmentearth.com
Wear it as part of a Cersei Halloween costume or Comic Con outfit*, or just because you want to look good on the day you put it on. This bronze Game of Thrones necklace is modeled exactly like the one that Cersei wears. It’s got the Lannister’s lion head on it, a lengthy, Celtic chain, and it comes with its own little drawstring bag for safe keeping. Like the show, Game of Thrones merchandise just keeps getting better.
Get this Replica of Cersei Lannister’s Pendant on entertainmentearth.com
*Find a convention near you with our Comic Con calendar! (US only)